Ruth van Beek / Ruth van Beek

19 Januaryー26 February 2024

Through the eyes of Ruth van Beek, ordinary objects seem to take on a body and life of their own. Ruth looks inward at how her vast archive works, and uses simple techniques such as folding, cutting or adding pieces of painted paper to rearrange and manipulate the images.  In doing so, she explores the thin borders between studio and domestic life, the repetition of daily tasks and the origins of her interests in manuals and household books, tracing them back to her mother’s influence.

In Ruth’s new book, The Oldest Thing was inspired by three binders left behind by her mother. The binders contain carefully copied recipes and pasted pictures, but she does not cook according to these recipes. Instead, she kept the binders for other reasons. She was moved by the care that was put into it—the index, the regular handwriting, the discoloured pages. She questions: How do you add value to the daily activities of a household?

Having lost her mother when she was 15, Ruth recalls: ‘I never knew her as a woman. This has ensured that she has always remained a mother figure. The things I learned from her were old-fashioned mother-daughter things; cooking, knitting, gardening. She went to a household school and was a patient craftswoman. This is probably where my fascination with manuals and books about needlework and the household started. I learned a lot from her, but not everything. And in that incompleteness lies a valuable resource for me. Like a warm memory that you can look back on, but which is at the same time closed off and distorted by the elapsed time. That open end, the incompleteness, is in all my work.’


今回新しく刊行された『The Oldest Thing』の制作は、ルースの母が残した3冊のバインダーに触発されました。このバインダーには丁寧にコピーされたレシピと写真が貼り付けられていますが、ルースはそれらのレシピに従って料理することはありません。その代わりに、作り込んだインデックス、手書きの文字、変色したページに愛着が湧き、このバインダーは何気ない日常に彩りを添えるものだと思い、大切に保管しています。



Ruth van Beek

Ruth van Beek (b. 1977) uses the established visual codes of photography. Her work originates in her ever growing archive. Her work has been shown internationally with exhibitions at The Ravestijn Gallery, Foam (both Amsterdam), Fraenkel Gallery (San Francisco), Les rencontres d’Arles and  Post Books (Tokyo). Works have been featured in magazines including The NewYorker, Vogue Magazine, Foam Magazine, IMA Magazine, The British Journal of Photography, Elephant Magazine and The New York Times. She has published numerous artist books including The Arrangement (RVB Books, 2013) which was shortlisted for the Aperture Photobook of the Year Award in 2014 and How To Do The Flowers (APE & Dashwood Books, 2018) to widespread acclaim. Ruth is represented by The Ravestijn Gallery in Amsterdam.


1977年生まれ。膨大な量の雑誌や書籍の切り抜ったイメージのアーカイブから、写真における既成の視覚的な記号を使用したコラージュ作品を制作。The Ravestijn GalleryやFoam(アムステルダム)をはじめ、Fraenkel Gallery(サンフランシスコ)、Les Rencontres d’Arles(アルル)、およびPOST(東京)など、世界中で展覧会を行い、また、「The New Yorker」「Vogue Magazine」「Foam Magazine」「IMA Magazine」「The British Journal of Photography」「Elephant Magazine」「The New York Times」などの雑誌に取り上げられる。アートブックに、2014年のAperture Photobook of the Year Awardにノミネートされた「The Arrangement」(RVB Books、2013)、「How To Do The Flowers」(APE&Dashwood Books、2018)などがある。The Ravestijn Gallery(アムステルダム)に所属。