Interview with Edgar Sarin / Hunky Dory
11 Mayー29 July 2024|Photos by Miyo Ogawa
Known for his diverse artistic expressions across various media, French artist Edgar Sarin invites us into the vibrant tapestry of his creative voyage at his solo exhibition ‘Hunky Dory’ at VAGUE KOBE, opening on 11 May through 29 July. In this interview, we discuss the significance of exhibitions in his artistic practice and delve into the intricate landscapes of his imagination, exploring the harmonious interplay between materials and medium that characterises his captivating body of work.
VAGUE: Your work spans different media, including painting and sculpture, and you utilise a wide range of materials such as wood, stone, stained glass, and iron. Could you tell us about your artistic journey and what drew you to work with such diverse materials?
Edgar: I am trained as an engineer and self-taught in art without formal schooling. Around 13 years ago, I started exhibiting my work. I started with painting and then ventured into woodwork, among other mediums. Although I’m from Marseille, spending summers in Normandy connected me deeply with nature and craftsmanship. I didn’t attend art school, but I learned a lot from the farmers in Normandy. We had a family friend who taught me to understand nature: how wood grows, how to scrub it, how plaster forms, how water flows, how to build a wall, and how to mix clay together.
VAGUE: Why were you interested in engineering in the beginning?
Edgar: I wouldn’t say I was interested. I was good at math and could never tell my mother what I wanted to do at art school. Despite that, I did my first exhibition right after I graduated. It came to me very naturally then. It was like a seed—it needs a bit of water and a bit of sun. Finally, everything came together for it to grow.
As a child, I’ve always been painting. It is interesting to see that many artists work on specific themes nowadays. In a sense, I’m very far away from that. Every new work has to be a new discovery, something a bit forward from the previous work. I enter the studio in the morning, wondering what will happen during the day and how I will get out of there at the end of the day. There is an energy that motivates me to go to the studio because I want to see what will happen.
I plan exhibitions in the same way. An exhibition is more than just a place to show your work. When the exhibition begins, we begin to learn what it is. We gather some intuitions about shapes and materials, but all the artworks are still open to becoming what they are to become. It is improvisation, a real adventure, a place of discovery.
VAGUE: Of the different materials you use, is there one that particularly stands out to you and with which you feel most comfortable working?
Edgar: I need all of them. At the studio, I work on paintings and sculptures; I have a piano, a drum set, and bookshelves. I’m going from one pole to the other all the time. When I encounter a problem when I’m painting, I go to do a little sculpture. The brain will work in the background; I will come back to the painting, and I will have found the solution. It is like a big system that imitates nature. When I try a certain path with a painting, it is like natural selection. Throughout the day, some things are forming here and there. It’s like an organic system, and I’m going from one pole to another, like a conductor of music, and the sort of things are moving together.
At the studio, we also have an extensive stock of different materials—a big stock of wood, stones, and things I collected. We gather materials, and we never know when this piece of wood or stone will be sculpted. There are materials that I’ve had for years but never done anything with. But one day, I will see them, and I will see the shape that is contained inside. I need all of them.
VAGUE: That’s very interesting. Your work also intertwines with historical research, using diverse materials that are visually striking and conceptually rich. In your past works, you referred to the Bayeux Tapestry and Halley’s Comet—what is your connection to historical narratives in your work?
Edgar: There are two kinds of creative minds. A good example is the film director Jean-Luc Godard and the Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini—they symbolise these two ways of creating. Godard suggests that if you want a revolution, you must erase everything from the past, break all the rules, and grow from nothing. That’s the only way to make a revolution. But Pasolini says everything has already been there. Some aesthetic forms come back from time to time, and he, too, brings back some old forms that have survived. It is the true revolutionary power that is there. I work closely with this way of thinking.
VAGUE: This time in Japan, you are using local materials to create several new pieces. This speaks to your connection with the local environment and knowledge of the place through materials. Is it your first time using Japanese wood or stone? And how do you anticipate that working with local materials will enrich your practice and concept of the work?
Edgar: It was a dream come true to have the opportunity to go to Japan last year, and I was able to hold an exhibition Nana at the French Institute in Tokyo. But we brought everything from France and I didn’t make any new work. I’m very anxious this time because it will be my first time creating new pieces in Japan using Japanese materials. We selected zelkova, which is a wood I’ve never worked with. I know that it will bring new forms and understanding of the materials, because every different wood has a way of being sculpted.
VAGUE: What is your connection with Japan?
Edgar: In France, we have a great appreciation for Japanese culture. My first exposure to Japan was with Yasujiro Ozu. The way he composes the space through the camera is a big inspiration for me when I build exhibitions and create artwork. Another connection I deeply resonate with is Junichiro Tanizaki’s In Praise of Shadows, a book of essays on Japanese aesthetics. There is a gap between the common occidental, neoliberal state compared to what he suggested. For example, he would say if you go to the dentist in Europe, the tools would look clean, but he would feel more comfortable if the tools were black and patina with age.
I also recently read a book called Le Japon Grec (The Greek Japan), written by Michael Lucken, a French art historian. He said that ancient Greek culture disseminated from Greece, finding a final spot of climax in Japan. These two cultures are actually very close. For example, entasis is also found in ancient temples in Japan. Both Greece and Japan are also archipelagos. In Europe, we think of ourselves as the inheritance of ancient Greece, but this book suggests that ancient Greece was more oriental than we thought. They are similar in many ways.
VAGUE: That is very interesting. You are also planning to create a plaster sculpture in Kobe. What is the unique texture or sustainability of plaster that interests you? And how do you envision this sculpture interacting with the plaster walls in VAGUE?
Edgar: Plaster is a romantic material because it dries and creates cracks. These cracks represent time that has passed and time that is lost. I am looking forward to using plaster that comes from the same grounds as the walls in Kobe. In our society, things can be very technical and electronic. Our generation of artists works a lot around climate and catastrophes. We have to decipher what will be after, but I think it is important to recall and reconstruct ancient gestures.
VAGUE: Many of your installations interact with the surroundings through scale and the placement of itself. To you, what is the exhibition space? What kind of space are you thinking of creating in VAGUE?
Edgar: The studio is a place of intimacy for the artists but also a place of loneliness. The exhibition has a different structure; it is a unity of time, place, and action. There is a flow of humans—people entering it and coming out from inside it. New forms, colours, and balance can happen in this place that could not happen in the studio otherwise. I’ve always been working on exhibitions as a place of discovery.
For example, at the objectif : société exhibition held at Centre d’Art contemporain Chanot (CACC), there was a forest next to the museum. When I visited, there was a storm the day before, and some trees had fallen down, but the roots brought an excellent quality of clay to the ground. So I talked to the museum about bringing 20 square cubic meters of this clay into the museum, and I built everything with that. During the exhibition, I came back to do some paintings on this architecture. It was improvisation, in a jazz manner. At the end of the exhibition, parts of the structure with a painting on it were cut out, and we returned the rest of the clay to the forest. The structure has an ambiguous status in the exhibition—I call this ‘harvesting architecture’. I work like this in many of my exhibitions. To leave space to absorb some kind of randomness and to be fully porous with the environment. In my exhibition at VAGUE, I want to find something with a similar status. I have no idea what it will be yet.
VAGUE KOBEでは5月11日から7月29日まで、ジャンルにまたがって多様な表現を生み出すフランスのアーティスト、エドガー・サランの個展『Hunky Dory(ハンキー・ドリー)』を開催します。マティリアルとメディアが調和した相互作用をもたらし、美しいタペストリーのような豊かな芸術表現を持つ彼がみる風景は、どんなものでしょうか。展覧会の準備中、彼の芸術実践における展覧会の重要性や彼の想像する複雑な風景について話を伺いました。
また最近、フランスの美術史家であるMichael Lucken(ミシェル・リュッケン)による『 Le Japon Grec(ギリシャの日本)』という本を読みました。英語や日本語にも翻訳されていない本ですが、彼は、古代ギリシャ文化がギリシャから広がり、最終的に日本で最高潮を迎えたとし、これらの二つの文化は非常に近いと述べています。例えば、「エンタシス」という柱の構造は法隆寺など日本の古代寺院でも見られます。また、ギリシャと日本はどちらも群島があります。古代ギリシャの遺産はヨーロッパに流れていったように考えられているかもしれませんが、この本は古代ギリシャの文化が想像以上に東洋に近いことを示唆しています。
例えば、数年前にCentre d’Art contemporain Chanot(CACC)で開催された「objectif : société」の展覧会では、美術館の隣に森がありました。下見に行った前日に嵐があって何本かの木が倒れていましたが、そのおかげで土の質がとても良くて潤っていました。そこで、僕はこの土を20立方メートルほど持ち込み、それを使って建築物のような作品を作りました。展覧会の期間中、この建築物の壁に絵を描いたりしましたが、そのプロセス自体が即興で、ジャズのようなセッションでした。展覧会の最後に、絵が描かれた部分は切り取られ、残った土は森に戻しました。展覧会の中では、この建築物は曖昧なステータスを持っていますが、僕はこれを「harvesting architecture(建築を収穫する)」と名付けました。他の多くの展覧会でもこのように取り組んでいます。ある意味で、行き当たりばったりの要素を吸収する余裕を残し、環境に対して作品が多孔質のものになるようにしています。VAGUEで開催する僕の展覧会でも、そのようなものを見つけて制作して、展示したいと考えていますが、それは何になるのかはまだわかりません。